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Salud bienestar colect ; 4(1): 10-23, ene.-abr. 2020.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1179904


Este trabajo intenta una aproximación crítico ­hermenéutica a la noción de bienestar colectivo prevalente en el Chile del 2019, utilizando como analizador los criterios diagnósticos generalmente aceptados para el Síndrome de Estocolmo, entendido éste como condición necesaria para la implantación de Políticas Públicas neoliberales y, el sostenimiento pacífico de la desigualdad, en una relación y vínculo positivo de aceptación e identificación víctima-victimario, que pareció caracterizar el estado de equilibrio y tranquilidad social de Chile hasta octubre de 2019, en el marco del modelo de sociedad de mercado establecido en la Constitución de 1980, un cuasi estudio de caso. Tomamos como referencia el discurso de instancias de gobierno y organismos nacionales e internacionales expresada en medios de comunicación, acerca de los acontecimientos que se inician en octubre 2019, y que se encuentran en pleno desarrollo. La contrastación logra evidenciar lo que puede interpretarse como fallas sorpresivas en el comportamiento clínico colectivo respecto a la noción de bienestar, entendido como éxito-consumo-conformidad, propio del modelo neoliberal, fundado en el individualismo y la competencia de mercado; y que mostrarían en el discurso colectivo de octubre 2019, algunas condiciones de posibilidad para la emergencia o re-emergencia de modelos alternos de sociedad y relacionamiento caracterizados por el bien común y los Derechos Sociales, con un bienestar identificándose progresivamente en el imaginario colectivo como, justicia social, equidad e igualdad.

This work attempts a critical-hermeneutic approach to the notion of collective well-being prevalent in Chile in 2019, using as an analyzer the generally accepted diagnostic criteria for Stockholm Syndrome, understood as a necessary condition for the implementation of neoliberal public policies and, the peaceful support of inequality, in a positive relationship and link of acceptance and victim-victim identification, which seemed to characterize the state of equilibrium and tranquility Chile until October 2019, within the framework of the market society model established in the 1980 Constitution, a quasi-case study. We refer to the discourse of national and international government bodies expressed in the media, on the events that begin in October 2019, and which are in full development. The contrast succeeds in demonstrating what can be interpreted as surprise failures in collective clinical behavior regarding the notion of well-being, understood as success-consumption-conformity, typical of the neoliberal model, based on individualism and market competition; and which would show in the collective discourse of October 2019,some conditions of possibility for the emergence or re-emergence of alternative models of society and relationship; characterized by the common good and social rights, with a well-being gradually identifying in the collective imagination as, social justice, equity and equality.

Humans , Capitalism , Policy , Mental Disorders/diagnosis , Mental Disorders/psychology , Social Class , Social Welfare/psychology , Syndrome , Chile , Crime Victims/psychology
Rev. psicol. organ. trab ; 11(2): 84-99, dez. 2011. ilus
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-682970


Este artgo tem como objetvo analisar o mal-estar gerencial vivenciado pelos gestores do setor de informátca, consi-derando as variáveis pressões e estresse, presente nas prátcas gerenciais. O estudo é de natureza qualitatva. Foram realizadas 36 entrevistas semiestruturadas, com gerentes em 10 empresas de médio e grande porte do setor de infor-mátca localizadas na Região Metropolitana de Belo Horizonte, MG. As entrevistas foram gravadas e transcritas posteriormente, preservando-se na íntegra o discurso dos gerentes. A análise dos dados fundamentou-se nos princípios da análise de conteúdo. A pesquisa permitu o surgimento de duas descobertas: primeiro, a necessidade de se conhecer as fontes de estresse gerencial para diagnostcar condições de trabalho do gestor e formular proposições para uma melhor qualidade de vida desse grupo profssional. A segunda e mais signifcatva, apontou para uma percepção de normalidade das situações de pressão, cobranças, falta de tempo, exigências de atualizações aceleradas e constantes, entre outras, até então consideradas como condições de estresse e de adoecimento presentes no exercício da função gerencial. A estas “normalidades” apresentadas, denominamos de Síndrome de Estocolmo Gerencial, revelando um novo contexto para a análise da função gerencial no campo do estresse e do mal-estar no âmbito organizacional.

This artcle aims to analyze the managerial malaise experienced by computer industry managers, considering the variable pressures and stress that occur in management practce. The study is qualitatve in nature. 36 semi-structured interviews were conducted with managers in 10 companies, medium-size and large, from the computer industry in the metropolitan area of Belo Horizonte, MG. The interviews were recorded and later transcribed, preserving the managers’ full discourse. Data analysis was based on the principles of content analysis. The research revealed two discoveries: the frst, a need for awareness of the sources of management stress in order to diagnose management working conditons and formulate proposals for a beter quality of life for this professional group. The second, and more signifcant, indicated a percepton of normality of situatons involving pressure, budget issues, lack of tme, demands for accelerated and constant updates, among others, hitherto regarded as conditons for stress and illness seen in the exercise of the managerial functon. To these exhibited “normalites” we give the name Management Stockholm Syndrome, revealing a new context for analysis of the managerial role in the feld of stress and discomfort in the organizatonal context.

Humans , Burnout, Professional , Decision Making, Organizational